
I'am feeling Stress right now!!!!

What am i going to do? why i fell so stress?
how to overcome it? urgggggggggggggg........
i need to be concertrate in my work, oh..please..please.....
calm down calm down and calm down...........
have a mug of cofee perhaps?
ok..calm and cool..

Malaysia..a beautiful place..

Malaysia actually have many of beautiful place to visit to..
many places with different culture, food, language and many more..
if want to choose a place to rest, to play..you may choose malaysia and discover it!

Doraemon..my young idol

I like to watch doraemon, no matter in cartoon or book..
will always keep in heart..doraemon!


Laugh as much as you can!

Laugh as much as you can..yes! face a mirror and laugh to myself is a good start for everyday!
Laugh during dining/eating, sport time, what ever place..
but..please concertrate when eating time..laugh only after done..
laugh during sport time..playing with relax mode..happy,joyfull..
have a good day everyday!!!!!!!

Afraid to LOVE?

LOng time never fall in love? Just try to step out and see what happend..
Life is beautiful..please open heart and accept..
open heart and i'am coming..
I think i like you and i think i love you but just dont want to voice out because 
....i afraid..to tell you...
maybe i can tell you that i love you and will happend when night fall..
when i cant sleep..i think of you...so soooo much!

KFC..I Miss You!!!

Suddenly think of KFC..Felt to eat right now..
I'am hungry..KFC..I want you..
Really love the chicken..especially the spicy one..yummy!!!!!!
and the veges..potato? not so like..the burger also my favourite!
KFC,love it love it!

A & W fast food

Anyone like A & W fast food? Nowadays many choices of fast food..

If talk about A & W..i rather choose Mc Donald or KFC..
Okay, if want to say any attraction? Yes, I do have my favourate in this A & W..
I'am actually like Root beer! Better if together with ice-cream, yummy!

Samsung Young

I like samsung young..
Info: Posted by Jeremiah Rice in News, Samsung
In Samsung's continuing quest to conquer every single niche in the smartphone world, they've got two new entries on the low end. 

The Galaxy Young and Galaxy Fame are positively tiny compared to most of the other Galaxy phones, and based on their specifications, will probably be quite cheap when they hit the market. The Young is slightly lower on the totem pole than the Fame, but fortunately, both use Jelly Bean 4.1.



Super like this song..thumb up!

當 你的眼 凝望我的眼
當 你的唇 迎接我的吻
有愛在 圍繞我心間
有你在 苦也是甜


當 你的手 徘徊我之間
當 你說 你就一生只是為了
有愛在 圍繞我心間
有你在 苦也是甜




Info: 唱作人曲婉婷在加拿大長大,憑悅耳動聽的歌聲和多年來的自彈自唱的創作方式,換來外國­音樂公司的垂青,成為加拿大Nettwerk旗下的首位華人女歌手。


What a beautiful day...should be think like this every day..
And make ownself happy always!!!
Take some time to rest if tire..when rest think of what have done and what to do the next
be calm..be strong..be patient..be..whatever, just smile!

1303 Apartment

I am actually choose to watch Hong Kong film on last friday but my friend want to try watch horror film: 1303 Apartment..which i have to watch too..
Okay, fine..see what will attract me then..
actually this movie was not attracted me at all..too simple the story..
anyway..just treat as support mind..this movie must be use some time to produce..
you may watch it because everyone different mind..


Fell like watching IMAGINAERUM~

Release!!! it's in Malaysia..but havent in Melaka GSC yet.. 

Release Date: 25 Jul 2013
Subtitle: Malay / Mandarin
Genre:Family / Fantasy
Running Time: 83 minutes
Director:Stobe Harju
Cast:Marianne Farley, Quinn Lord, Francis X. McCarthy
A coma sends an old man into his childhood's sinister fantasy world, where he must fight dementia and gain back his memories before it's too late.

Smile always~

No matter what happend, just smile to bright up a day
Smile..to give own, people energy..
Smile..to face everything..
Smile..to make own more brave..
So, what? Just Smile!


Pilihan raya kecil Kuala Besut 2013

Kuala Lumpur: Pilihan raya kecil bagi kawasan Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Kuala Besut di Terengganu akan diadakan dalam tempoh 60 hari mulai hari ini, berikutan kematian penyandangnya Dr A Rahman Mokhtar, semalam.

Info: Berita Harian - Thursday, June 27, 2013

Pilihan raya kecil Kuala Besut ditetapkan pada pada 24 Julai manakala penamaan calon pada 12 Julai - kedua-duanya pada bulan Ramadan.

Info: Malaysiakini – Fri, Jul 5, 2013

KUALA TERENGGANU, (Bernama) - Anggota Dewan Undangan Negeri (Adun) Kuala Besut Dr A. Rahman Mokhtar meninggal dunia di Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah (HSNZ) di sini hari ini, akibat kanser paru-paru.

Pengarah Kesihatan Terengganu Datuk Dr Anwa Sulaiman ketika mengesahkan perkara itu, berkata Allahyarham dimasukkan ke HSNZ pada Khamis lepas.

"Pagi ini keadaannya semakin kritikal sehingga terpaksa menggunakan alat bantuan pernafasan dan disahkan meninggal pukul 10.18 pagi ini di HSNZ," katanya ketika ditemui pemberita di sini.

A. Rahman, 55, juga merupakan Pengerusi Jawatankuasa Pembangunan Kesihatan, Wanita dan Masyarakat negeri Terengganu.

Allahyarham meninggalkan seorang balu dan empat anak. Jenazah dijangka dikebumikan di tanah perkuburan Islam Masjid Teluk Bayu Kuala Besut selepas solat Zohor hari ini.

Sementara itu, di KUALA LUMPUR, Menteri Besar Terengganu Datuk Seri Ahmad Said juga memaklumkan mengenai kematian A. Rahman kepada pemberita ketika ditemui selepas Mesyuarat Majlis Raja-Raja di Istana Negara hari ini.

Pada pilihan raya umum ke-13 (PRU13) 5 Mei lepas, A. Rahman mempertahankan kerusi yang disandangnya sejak 2008 dengan majoriti 2,434 undi mengatasi calon PAS Napisah Ismail.

Kematian Adun Kuala Besut itu bakal menyaksikan pilihan raya kecil yang pertama selepas PRU13.

Pada pilihan raya umum lepas Barisan Nasional (BN) Terengganu dapat membentuk kerajaan dengan majoriti mudah apabila menguasai 17 daripada 32 kerusi dewan undangan negeri yang dipertandingkan.

Info: Bernama

Kupang..in 'bahasa' word

Anyone try kupang before?
Yes, I have try it and it taste like...

wonderful...at 1st time, but when eat the 2nd time..aiyo,must be brave enough when ready to eat..haha
must wash it clean clean before cook..make sure a good preparation have done.
nice? haha..nice to eat at 1st time but i think i wont try the next time..


白安Ann[我只想在乎我在乎的]MV...fuyoh! Like this MV so much ~


我关掉电视 关掉音乐
我关掉手机 关掉噪声的来源

我关掉电灯 想关掉疲惫
想关掉陌生 漠视你的改变


我关掉电视 关掉音乐
我关掉手机 关掉噪声的来源

我关掉电灯 想关掉疲惫
想关掉陌生 漠视你的改变



我关掉电视 关掉音乐

我关掉电灯 想关掉疲惫
想关掉陌生 关掉所有的画面

Chuky...hahahaha..coming soon in Malaysia?

Who like to watch chuky? when i read in wikipedia only knew that it's come with many series before..
From wikipedia...
~Charles Lee Ray (also known as "The Lakeshore Strangler", and nicknamed "Chucky") is a fictional character and the main antagonist of the Child's Play series. Chucky is a Good Guy doll possessed by the spirit of a serial killer who tries to transfer his soul from the doll to a human body, mainly the body of boy, Andy Barclay. In 1999, Chucky was nominated for the MTV Movie Award for Best Villain for the film Bride of Chucky. He was created by Don Mancini and is voiced by Brad Dourif.~
Born January 27, 1950. Charles Lee Ray was a voodoo practitioner and serial killer originally from Hackensack, New Jersey.
Hey guys...i'am...CHUKY!!!!!
i'am back..back..back...

Samurai Burger? GCB perhaps..!

Enjoy golden French Fries and a refreshing soft drink with your Samurai Burger for only RM 9.95 with McValue Dinner.
hohoho...another 'like'..samurai burger.....but i prefer GCB..dont know when will promote again this GCB
GCB have a good respond..even my family member also like it much..hope can eat again!
GCB with mc value perhaps?
let wait and see...

Congraturations...Prince William and Kate Middleton!

Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cambridge was safely delivered of a son at 4.24pm.
The baby weighs 8lbs 6oz. 
The Duke of Cambridge was present for the birth. 
The Queen, The Duke of Edinburgh, The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince Harry and members of both families have been informed and are delighted with the news. 
Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well and will remain in hospital overnight. 
Notes to editors 
1. The medical staff present were Mr Marcus Setchell, Surgeon-Gynaecologist, Mr Guy Thorpe-Beeston, Obstetrician and Dr Sunit Godambe, Consultant Neonatologist at St. Mary’s Hospital. 
2. The names of the baby will be announced in due course 
3. The baby is third in the line of succession after His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales and His Royal Highness The Duke of Cambridge. He is styled His Royal Highness Prince [name] of Cambridge. 
4. A formal notice of the birth will be posted on the forecourt of Buckingham Palace. 
Info from Prince William And Kate Middleton's face book..

Taro Pie...I'm lovin it~

Nice try guys..taro pie..
Question..why taro pie in purple colour and not in grey?
hahaha..dont border, just eat it, yeah!
nice picture? hahaha..love it!
nice taste..sweet enough..
nice photo shooting..
so? hahaha..eat another one..dont stop it...yeah!

Ikan Bakar Melaka..oops..nice huh?

Where to eat nice ikan bakar? actually ikan bakar very famous in Malaysia.
look simple, but when cook i think need to learn it patiently..
i ate in melaka and i felt very delicious..
if you search in website you may find a lot of comment about ikan bakar..
because it also one of attraction food in Malaysia..
may be for tourist as well?